Returning to the Ancestral Altar

All peoples come from ancestors who, at one point, lived in an indigenous way

The time of avoiding, appropriating, harming, and yearning is over.

The ancestors of ancient medicine and of recent amnesia need to be heard, remembered, released, and seen after being in the shadows for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

It is no mistake that you are in this body, in this time, and with the ancestors you do.

Ancestral responsibility and reclamation is spiritual integrity.

There is simply no more room to ignore the ancestors that run through your blood, hair, and bones.

They have names, stories, shadows, and medicines.

And they prayed for you.

There was once medicine of earth, sky, plant, animal, and element that ran through the lands of Europe, far and wide.

Then came the sickness. An entity of the spirit which rejected the root, the ceremony of life, and people. It tore through villages and communities. It separated and dominated. It aimed to rid the land and people of any trace of medicine. And it almost did.

Yet still, there were ancestors who fought to keep the original ways protected, sacred, and still breathing.

There were also ancestors who perpetuated this harm out of survival, or the sickness itself. First to each other and then to the people of other lands. Across the terrain and across the sea, destruction occurred.

And it continues to this day.

No more.

It is time to unlock the memories of the spirit and return to the voices of ancestors long gone. It is time to stop running from the truth.

They are waiting for you.

Join teachers, Hollie , Olivia, & your ancestors in this 6-week container where we will travel into:

  • Understanding the land(s) your ancestors are from

  • The shadows of European Lineage

  • Diving deeper into the ancestral tree + stories of ancestors

  • Uncovering the roots of the ancestral wisdom - plants, animals, languages, foods

  • Returning to the land to truly feel the medicine and the trauma

  • Following the threads of medicine - mythology / folklore, sacred sites + symbols

  • Intentions for ancestral work + understanding the responsibility of such

  • The medicines of European Lineage

  • Finding how you personally connect + work with your ancestors based on their guidance


We will meet twice via zoom on October 7 & November 18 from

10am - 5pm MST


This is a virtual container

What about the time in between?

During the 6 weeks you will be in contact via email with Olivia or Hollie to receive reflections + share what is coming up based on the homework given

Are there materials?

Yes! You will be sent a virtual workbook upon registration and recorded trance states for homework. All you need is a personal journal for longer reflections.

Payment Plans available?

There are multiple payment options available, 1 full scholarship, and 1 partial scholarship. Email for details on this


We look forward to sitting in this sacred space with you𓆃