Our DNA is awakening. We are remembering. What has been buried deep in Mother Earth is being set free.

This is the time to unveil the programming.

For many right now, we are being flooded with information. The experience is not passive. The program we have been living in for thousands of years is being dismantled. It is not a separation of the physical and spiritual. It is becoming one and walking in our integrity with every breath so we may understand the spirit in all things.

Our duty is to remember. Our responsibility is to build a new foundation.

The gifts we hold are complex and cannot be categorized or labeled. They are not only the memories of our ancestors, but also the hidden wisdom we have experienced through our lessons. The process can sometimes seem daunting, confusing, or even overwhelming. This is the Great Mystery.

The Sacred Way Intensive Weekend is a portal to remember

Ancient Teachings, counsel, and connection to the ancestors.

An Intensive Weekend which takes you deeper into yourself so you may remember. We will uncover the ancient timelines, going into the spiritual thought that existed in every culture long ago. We will put together the puzzle pieces of our paths in a way that allows us to comprehend our Great Work. We will uncover parts of your ancestry, past-lives, and lessons to decode the blueprint of your gifts. We will reconnect with the ancestral medicine to face the trauma and pain.

We are the ultimate guides and we are the new ancestors.

In this weekend, you will step beyond the 3D to receive the direction that guides personal and collective shifts. This portal of ancient teachings and ancient technology requires the strength, discipline, and commitment of the warrior. We have been distracted for too long. We have been manipulated to believe that we are not powerful leaders gifted with the abilities of the supernatural. What we have been deceived and programmed in has been that of ego, greed, and control. Within this intensive, we release the chains. True freedom is to KNOW LIBERATION. So that we may be the necessary force to bring the collective back to balance.

We know the answers. We just need to follow the keys to unlock the information.

This is a Three-Day Intensive

You must be able to commit to all three days and be able to attend with an open mind and heart, ready to receive the responsibility that is individual to your gifts. You are responsible to show up in courage for yourself. This is not an easy weekend retreat where we dissociate from the colonial, predatory-force that has continued to control humanity. This intensive is about facing where we participate in the colonial construct and where we dismantle new age propaganda.

No matter where you are at on your journey, or what level you believe you are at.

Knowledge and understanding is obtained on an individual level. There is not one path. Each of us have a powerful piece to bring to the collective web. There will be many guides sharing and teaching the wisdom they have obtained on the journey with the Sacred Way Mystery School, bringing individual experiences they have integrated in their lives.

JUNE 20th-22nd 2025


Mid-Day Meal will be provided. Upon registration, you will receive a welcome email and information to prepare you for the intensive.

Other food, transportation, and lodging is not included unless you choose the group lodging option. Please plan on arriving Thursday Evening and depart Monday Afternoon.


If you are unable to fill your space, you will be moved to another date. No funds are returned upon purchase.