Shilo McElroy is a student of life and seeker of truth. Raised as an animist in rural Northern Nevada she was able to connect to spirit and nature at a young age. She has worked in the food industry for 20 years and as a K12 Specialist for 14 of those years advocating at local and national levels for child nutrition, food equity, and farm to school programs.
In March 2020 she had a near death experience which resulted in severe brain and nervous system injuries. She was told by western medicine this was her new way of being, nothing could be done. Grateful for life, and navigating her healing Her abilities also came back fully and stronger than everbefore , the ones she was told as a child was her imagination and in her teen years that she was crazy. She knew she needed to find out the truth, she had suppressed and numbed her gifts her entire life to fit into society. She was guided to the Sacred Way Intensive. Her profound experience of being in a space of learning not plagued by new age falsities, egos or titles, yet a container of truth where ALL people were welcomed.. It was the catalyst for her journey of self healing, reconnection to her Irish & Scottish ancestry and life long passion and mission of food equity, food self sufficiency and child nutrition education.
With all of her being she believes the time is now to live and serve in our unique spirit expressions, authentically. By reclaiming our ancestral roots, natural abilities and life purpose, collectively we will be able to reclaim our power from the predatory energy that has plagued life on earth. We all must do the work to become better human beings, to be of service to Mother Earth and all of her children. For those that have come before us, walk beside us and for the generations to come.
Shilo is in her second year of guideship and is currently on the Ceremony of Life Path. Here, she is deeply committed to supporting others on their paths to remembering.