Raye, a devoted student and supporter of the Sacred Way Mystery School, found her spiritual education and growth within energetic healing practices, The High Priestess Path, The Sacred Way, and The Warrior of Light Intensive with the support and guidance of Myranda Bennett.
Having spent much of her life learning and exploring the magic and mystery of our world, Raye has committed herself to honoring her maternal and paternal ancestry, uncovering and remembering ancient esoteric traditions and medicine within her Irish Celtic and French lineage.
Through her studies under the High Priestess, Raye has been given the responsibility of unlocking and bringing forth the divine wisdom and understanding of the sacred womb cosmology, healing, and connection that have long since been forgotten. Walking a path equally within the light and the dark, Raye traverses the deminisions of the upper and lower realms to work both within the cosmic and earthly womb spaces, bringing the energies into balance and harmony within the physical present. Utilizing her knowledge and training in shadow work and universal light energy she brings a gentle and compassionate nature to her healing and guidance work, providing a safe space for growth and personal empowerment.
As a dedicated scholar of Esoteric Mysteries and Womb Wisdom Cosmology she continues her spiritual education with Myranda and is currently completing her Guideship Program and The Universal Qabalah Mysteries and has chosen to continue her education along the High Priestess Path with The Sacred Way Mystery School.