Myranda Pretty Owl (Good Road)

Is the director, guide, and operator of The Sacred Way Mystery School.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. I am here to support the warrior,  those that hold the strength of the heart to better serve the communities and healing  needed.  

Through my traditional Lakȟóta teachings through my maternal side, My mother Anne Marie a traditional medicine practitioner and keeper has bestowed her teachings to me. I hold this  with great honor and protection. Since I was ten years old, I have been under the guidance of my uncle Willard Dunn-Tall Bear and my late uncle Homer Garza. They have guided me throughout my life and initiations. I am also Scandinavian, Scottish and Germanic on my  paternal side through my father Randy Manske. I am a bridge, healing the many  aspects of the ancestral, shadow, and traditional teachings of my lineage. It is a deep  journey that I share with others.  

I do not believe in labels or titles, I uphold the belief we are the action of our heart and  that action is what defines our integrity in the work we do to be of service.  I do not teach my tradition or any specific tradition. I teach you how to be “Traditional”  with your own ancestral lineage, ceremony, and healing.  

I am not a healer, I am a Guide that will walk by your side to support you as you  navigate and bring in your own healing. I will help you navigate the negative and  positive aspects of what you have collected in your physical and spiritual experience.  To uphold the accountability that is needed to walk our truth in sovereignty and responsibility. So we may reclaim our power back, nurturing the Earth, All creatures and  ourselves.  

It is my vision that we can take down the colonial predatory energy if we are able to face  the truth within ourselves and help each other to build a better tomorrow.