The lightning strikes the Earth, and just like that, in one breath, nothing was the same…
Do not fear the underground tunnels, ancient one. In order to retrieve what is needed, you will be asked to travel farther and deeper into the dark spiral of time.
In order to remember the medicine, you must remember the forces that stole it from you and your people.
The web of your latent memories calls to you. It will be you who delivers that which tried to break you on a sacred gold platter to that which you pray to - a holy offering to that which breathes life through you.
Your most precious declaration is that YOU ARE HERE. Soften and trust in the darkness. Allow yourself to be initiated by the pitch black that surrounds you.
There is no where left to go but to the altar of all that is. The purpose of your spirit lives within your blood. Listen to the prayers of your blood, read the scroll of your bone.
Trust in the part of you which can witness all that is dissolving within you, for they have been here many times and know the way.
-Olivia @mystery_weaver on IG