Jessica is the granddaughter of Marian Jones and David Jones. She lost her mother Davean Jones when she was young, and was raised by her grandparents with whom she was very close with. Although they are not here physically, she continues to honor them and work with them from the other side.
Being raised by her hardworking grandparents, Jessica has always known the importance of showing up and being thorough in what she puts out into the world. While this has served her well in the jobs she has held in life, she is finding a new meaning in how this lesson can be applied in showing up for community and honoring ancestors. Through Sacred Way she is also learning that it is possible to incorporate her spiritual lessons into her day job in the insurance world. At the same time, she is discovering how to show other people that they can do the same in their own lives.
Outside the Sacred Way Mystery School, Jessica works to remember her people’s language, traditions and culture. Through dance, ceremony, singing and prayer she continues to work on deepening her connection with her West African ancestry and traditions. Coming from a bi-racial family and being bi-racial herself, she has faced challenges but also acknowledges that challenge brings about perspective which can be used to help others who have had trouble with their own identities.
Jessica has had many teachers, but learning and working with the community at Sacred Way was the first time she felt as though she were contributing to her life’s purpose. While participating with Sacred Way she has experienced what it means to be truly connected with a community, and give reverence to the ancestors, and to spirit. Since then she has been working with Myranda in guideship learning how to bridge her work within death and rebirth. She is currently on the Ceremony of Life Path and is a supporting guide at the Sacred Way Mystery School.
Mo juba Yeye
Mo juba Baba
Mo juba Awon Alaseku
I give praise to the mothers
I give praise to the fathers
I give praise to all of the ancestors