
Protector of love, guardian of ancient wisdom and astral traveler. Jason has stumbled through many different walks of life before he decided to enter into a sober state of living. Learning many lessons along his healing journey and committing to his own healing,Jason came to SacredWay to go deeper. His experience was the ignition to spark his great work in not only healing himself but others as well. He began to reconnect with his powerful childhood heart and tapping back into his sacred medicine. Through his strong empathic and intuitive abilities, Jason is in hopes to walk side by side with individuals into the depths of the darkest and hardest parts of our shadows to help transmit light to them and fill them with love. Jason believes the most powerful healing occurs in these darkest of places that should not go unturned. With compassion and a deep understanding of the human spirit he wants to help heal the wounds of humanity so that we can remember our medicine, the power we hold inside of us and beauty we posses. He is bringing forth the reconnections with his Toltec Ancestors and medicine path. Jason currently is on Guideship with Myranda, the High Priest Path, and is a Sacred Way Intensive Facilitator.